Code Repositories

These repositories house forks of various open source projects that we have found useful. Others may also find them of interest.

The repositories are hosted on GitHub.

Note: The LaTeXML and MultiMarkdown repositories have been neglected in recent years, but are still available for those with an archaeological bent.

Repository List

  1. MathJax Repository

    Mathematical content on this site is rendered using MathJax. The MathJax software resides on our server and downloads javascript routines and web fonts to render mathematical expressions with your browser. For more information on the local MathJax implementation, see the document Viewing Mathematics on the Internet.

    MathJax is a mature product sponsored by several mathematically-oriented publishers. Affiliated organizations include: the American Mathematical Society (AMS), SIAM, IEEE, Elsevier, APS, the American Institute of Physics (AIP), the Optical Society (OSA), the London Mathematical Society, Oxford University Press, et al. The primary MathJax source repository also resides on GitHub.

    Our repository contains forks of the MathJax legacy repository at version 2.7.8 and Mathjax master repository at version 3.0.5. currently uses MathJax version 3.0.5.

  2. LaTeXML Repository

    LaTeXML generates an XHTML representation of a LaTeX document. In the process, LaTeXML converts LaTeX mathematical expressions to MathML. Since many of our documents have extensive mathematical content, we find this capability quite useful. LaTeXML is also capable of breaking longer TeX documents and books into an interlinked series of XHTML files (e.g. chapters or sections) with a global table of contents, consistent links, unified references, and a bibliography. This feature is frequently used when generating the documents posted on this site. The document Static Site Maintenance examines, in detail, the use of LaTeXML by this web site.

    LaTeXML was developed by Bruce Miller at NIST (the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology) for publishing the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF). It is distributed as public domain software by NIST. The project is maintained in a SVN repository.

    The hosted Git repository was imported from version 0.7.9 alpha of the LaTeXML SVN repository. It houses the LaTeXML source used by this web site. This code contains relatively minor customizations of the LaTeXML source that were required for tight integration with this site.

  3. MultiMarkdown Repository

    Content management on this site has historically beeen based on MultiMarkdown documents maintained in Scrivener. According to its author:

    "MultiMarkdown, or MMD, is a tool to help turn minimally marked-up plain text into well formatted documents, including HTML, PDF (by way of LaTeX), OPML, or OpenDocument (which can in turn be converted into RTF, Microsoft Word, or virtually any other word-processing format).

    MMD is a superset of the Markdown syntax, originally created by John Gruber. It adds multiple syntax features (tables, footnotes, and citations, to name a few), in addition to the various output formats listed above (Markdown only creates HTML). Additionally, it builds in ‘smart’ typography for various languages"

    The document Static Site Maintenance examines, in detail, how MultiMarkdown was historically used by this web site.

    The hosted repository is based upon version 2.0.b6 of MultiMarkdown. It houses the MultiMarkdown source used by this web site. This code contains relatively minor customizations of the MultiMarkdown source that were required for tight integration with this site.